BIOS 選樂|一隻龍蝦,如何能不只是你一頓昂貴晚餐:The Fur.《Serene Reminder》

BIOS 選樂|一隻龍蝦,如何能不只是你一頓昂貴晚餐:The Fur.《Serene Reminder》

作者BIOS 選樂

Things to be done and things I couldn't do
Invisible rules that I have no clues
Don't be too kind but being kind is good
How can you not love someone for being true, for being true


在合成器手溫溫、貝斯手唯任離開之後,The Fur. 重新回到最初相識組團的兩人編制。新專輯錄音中的貝斯與合成器主要分別由製作人老王王昱辰、吉他手中凌擔負,而中凌在專輯中甚至有弦樂的參與。

過去 The Fur. 的作品習慣以同一節奏墊底,讓主唱與旋律樂器在其上負責推進。但在新專輯中,鼓手劉哲佑不只變化活潑,除了鼓組以外的 Percussions 也填滿了樂曲的縫隙。主唱柚子的嗓音顯然因而更放心,與器樂之間的關係不再是試著精密對準,而是有機地在音量或節奏中互動,讓她本就甜酥的音色在這張專輯中更加柔美。

Wake up in the morning with your hands holding mine
I'm ready for this bomb of love
In the beating heart
If you feel it too
Night falls
Meet me at the moon
And a bundle of light is coming through
Bomb bomb bomb bomb
Bomb bomb bomb bomb
Stay with me
Stay with me

—— 〈Stay with Me〉


The Fur.,Serene Reminder

The Fur.,Serene Reminder

The Fur.,Serene Reminder

The Fur.,Serene Reminder


No one ever understands you, Julie
The third eye of yours makes you far from reach
In front of the TV all the time
Frowning at the TV shows
And I have so much to let you know
1234, 1234


這份明明情感濃烈、外觀卻節制的疏離,從第一張專輯貫串至今,在《Serene Reminder》中用踏實的編曲將外冷內熱的「內熱」表達得更徹底。在 2018 年即以〈Short Stay〉入圍金音獎最佳另類流行單曲、也以樂團之姿入圍金曲、金音最佳新人的 The Fur. ,在短短兩年間證明自身的潛能。我酷愛新專輯中的〈Lobster〉一曲,龍蝦躲在水族箱中如此奮力生存,在外人看來卻也是「沒有走出舒適圈」的膽怯。多麽希望自己的價值不只是一頓昂貴的晚餐?想要告訴水族箱外的人們、我已經很努力了,請不要輕蔑我所花費的力氣啊。

I know it's hard to believe
I have no choice but to bravely walk into the chaos
Am I a lobster hiding in the tank and I have no ideas
That he will end up being
Food for the party
Nothing but an expensive and meaningless meal
What can he do
To make people happy
More than being an expensive and meaningless meal


何嘗不是詩人羅智成的句子?心有所愛,不忍世界頹敗。The Fur. 靜默的提醒,讓主動去傾聽的人聽見。


The Fur.《Serene Reminder》
實體|小白兔唱片四樓唱片行佳佳唱片五大唱片博客來 以及各大通路均售

#The Fur. #Serene Reminder #Dream pop #柚子 #中凌 #老王 #BIOS選樂

BIOS 通訊,佛系電子報

封面攝影Puzzleman Leung/子皿 In Utero 提供
責任編輯李姿穎 Abby Lee
